Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

My Life






Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

ga ada kerjaan

karena gw jobless, mari merencanakan misi misi di taun baru 2010.


1. try to be a better person.
2. try to increase my score
3. try to make more friends
4. try to decrease my expenditure in shopping
5. try to fix my love story (hahahahaah)
6. try to decrease global warming ^_^
7. try to be a very very patient person
8. try to make happy everyone around me
9. try to make my parent proud of me (anyway)
10. try to be a positive thinking person

haha, that's all. what's more? i have no idea hihi. yaa sgitu dulu deh, wkwk
kalo ada lagi, yaa ditulis lagi. hehe


today is today (?)

ok, today i woke up at 11 o'clock. haha i know i'm very lazy, everytime everyday my parents always remind me that i must wake up early.
ya ya, i always remember it. but, if it's holiday time or weekend, i can't wakeup early, bcause yesterdaynight i slept at 1 or 2 a.m.
hihi like today :D

yaa, i have planned that today i'll do my kumon's hw. but, it cancelled (again)
uggh, so lazy u know. look at kumon's hw only make my eyes sick haha *overact *joking.
so now , i want to off my webnet. C U

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

MAYBE u're not the one that God sent for me, but i still thank God for giving me a chance to love u and now it's enough, i'll not hoping anymore. in fact, i still wonder that u'll be mine,. but i don't know whether i strong enough or not
it's time to say goodbye to all my sweet memories bout u.

haha, puitis abiss euy. ni buat sapa aj deh yg merasa demikian , karna gw jg gatau sih itu buat sapa. haha teserah deh buat sapa ajh :D

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Christmas Eve

YIPPIE!! tomorrow is the Christmas Day :D !! Santa will come and give you gifts. eventhough i'm not a christian *yeah, i'm buddhist* but i love x'mas! hihi maybe bcause from kindergarten till now i study in catholic school HAHA
so, may all of u get happiness, peacefulness, luckiness, healthness from God. Amen.

enjoy this cristmas yeayeaaaa :D

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

Senin, 21 Desember 2009


haii, huaha libur tlah tiba HOREEHOREEHOREEHOREE
libur nya cuma 2 mingguuu, huhu. tapi bosen juga liburan sgitu lama. pengen jalan2.
hikshiks. rencananya sih, tar tgl 25 *pas natalan* mo ke puncak.
ke puncak LAGI
haha tapi gapapa dah, yg penting jalan ya ga. daripada bosen dirumah. zz
btw, kangeeen temen skolaah huhu. kemaren sih pas tgl 17des'09 kita BBQ an. tapi syg nya ga smua dtg.
tapi seruu sih, hehe asik bgt deh :) pengen ngulang waktu!

Minggu, 22 November 2009

minggu kelabu cerah

yeaah, hari ni mendung, ga ada matahari.
walo mendung, tapi ni hari enak juga loh.
tadi tmn2 gw (myrna cica della) maen kruma gw.
ga maen sii, bkin dance (yeaah, buat PE)
huufth, cape cape deh tapi bis itu kita santai2 di taman depan rumah ambil fto2.
bis itu makan bakso. wahaahah
mantabbs ^^

Selasa, 17 November 2009

confused :on

confused confused about this feeling. T_________T
how it could be so difficult and hurt me?
:'( when you want to realize that i like you? and how about ur feeling?
are you feel the same with me?

anw, i this song

It's not time to give us one more try
(I don't think so)
Last night you said your one last lie

I can't let you wreck you my plans
I'm planning to let you go
Oh, only one thing is true
Only one thing to do

Time to, delete you

Burn it up, all your pictures
Tear it up, all your letters
Rip it up, all your sweaters

This is, this is for the better

Slash it up, all your tires
Smash it up, all your flowers
Grab it back, all my power

Cause this is one more reason
I don't need you, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you, oh, oh

It's not time to say how much you care
(I don't think so)
I don't want you,
I want you not there

I'm done
I think that the time's come
To bring this thing to an end
I think this could be good-bye
Think you ran out of time

Time to, delete you

Burn it up, all your pictures
Tear it up, all your letters
Rip it up, all your sweaters

This is, this is for the better

Slash it up, all your tires
Smash it up, all your flowers
Grab it back, all my power

Cause this is one more reason
I don't need you, delete you

All I want from you
Is to disappear
All I need from you
Is for you to not be here
I guess it's time you got the news

Gonna replace you, erase you

Delete you, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you
oh, oh, delete you

Burn it up, all your pictures
Tear it up, all your letters
Rip it up, all your sweaters

This is, this is for the the better!

Slash it up, all your tires
Smash it up, all your flowers
Grab it back, all my power
Cause this is one more reason

I don't need you, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you

It's time to, delete you
Oh, oh, delete you


Jumat, 13 November 2009

happyhappy :D

hahaii, i'm happy. XD
kyk nya gw dah tau deh sapa tu COWO
hmm, God is great . yeaaah, i already prove it ^^
kalo gw ada masalah, n gw ga snggup buat nahan itu smua, dan akhirnya gw nangis, God will gimme a way to solve it

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He works in ways we cannot see

He will make a way for me

He will be my guide

Hold me closely to His side

With love and strength

For each new day

He will make a way

He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness

He'll lead me

And rivers in the desert will I see

Heaven and earth will fade

But His Word will still remain

He will do something new today

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

it's a tired day

GILAA yee, dateng ke skolah jm 6, langsung ke lantai 3 buat latian cheering.
skitar jm stgh 9, tampil cheering.
ancur bgt tu cheering! ga boong!
padahal pas ltian masi fine2 ajaa.
okeh, dan karen its skirt reallyreally mini, many of alay2 look at our skirt.
trus gw sindir ajaa, mampus aja tuh ke laut!
abis itu gw jaga tempat registrasi
bosen sumpah. dan pekerjaan gw tlah diambil alih oleh *
dan itu sangat2 MENYEBALKAN!
bis itu, kita nunggu deh ampe pulang. tapi , pas gtu mo pulang, jadi ga pengen pulang (LOH?)
soalnya ga ada kerjaan dirumah. T_T
dah dulu deh yaao, mo nge-print formulir lagii. bsok hrus ke skul, sial*

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009


pernah NGERASAIN dibuang kayak SAMPAH??
hahaha XD

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

badmood :(

huh, today is a badday.
angry to everyone.
sorry guys :)
my mood is so bad today . hiihi

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Go , GO!

TEAM BLUEE win the game yaa ;DD
hoho .

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009


hey. i hate u guys.
for HIM, gw gatau yaa msti ngmg apa. yang penting gw ksel benci bgt ma lo.
kalo ada prob lu lari ke gw. skrg lu seneng2, gw dbuang. gto? gto yg lo mxud temen?
iyaaa? oh gw baru tau kalo tmen tuh gtu.
and for HER, gw juga sbel ma lu u know! apaan noh. kalo lo ngiri , bilang aja ma barang2 gw. ga usah ngejelek2in gtu dong. manusia to bukan sih lo? punya ati ga? lu tu MUNAFIK BANGET tau ga!
lo dulu bilang A lbg bgus daripada B, dan skrg gara2 temen lo itu pindah ke B, lo bilang lbh bgus B daripada A skrg? omaigod. why u make that human to be so hypocrite?
and the last, HIM: ok kalo lo mau gw ga ngeladenin lo! nyesel gw jadi temen lo.
HER:ga usah ngopi2 karya org, be creative u know!

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

HEY i hate 'PLAGIAT'
like neighbor country, which always claim our country tradition
they don't have any creativeness to create something different!
but, we must be patient -_________-
huaah, today is so ...!!
no lucky today. bcause i just get shame in kumon.
o(0_0)o waaaaa stop remember that one! uuh. okay iwanna go to sleep

Sabtu, 26 September 2009


kemaren gw makan di cocasuki. hihi
asik deh. nyamnyam.
hbis itu, pulangnya liatliat rumah di foresta.
ohya ada rumah yang tenggelam gitu deh. kasian bgt. ckck
tadi nya mo nonton sirkus. tapi ga jadi. hoho
malasss. bis itu, kita pulang rumah deh soalnya ada tamu mo dateng. hihi

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

tired of working

gilaaa, badan gw encok smua (lebay)
aduh, gara2 mbak ga ada, gw bantu nyapu, beres2in barang. fiuh~
aduu stress. trus tadi gw ke wtc, haha pergi ke terapi ikan2 gitu deh, jadi kaki kita dikerubungin ikan. tau kan?
amiss c, tapi lucu :D
tadi juga blanja banyaak! cape beresin nyaa. T_T
daa dulu yaaaw. BYEE

Jumat, 18 September 2009

bad score in report card );

yesterday i took my report card.
hueeeeh, the scores are YUMMY! bad bad bad!
almost all subjects' scores decrease, but some scores are increase.
STILL not satisfying. because the one who get the highest average is pork. hiahahahaha
pasti tuh ank nanti sombong deh. nevermind -____-
but, i still happy! yay! we need to thank God for all things He gave, even if that's a bad things.

Kamis, 17 September 2009

hello :)

haai. this is my new blog. bingung c mao nulis apa. hihi ;)
btw, liburan ini tuh ngebosenin bgt. :( mana nanti gw msti bantu nyokap beres beres gara2 mbak pada pulang.
haha. tapi gapapa deh. nambahin pahala. lumayaan. haha.